AntiSpeeding Consultation
Hankerton Parish Council wishes to consult with village residents about proposed new road signs and road markings intended to slow traffic driving through the village.
Many residents will remember that the PC decided against applying to Wiltshire Council for a speed limit because of the cost of the speed limit assessment set against the high risk of being turned down as evidenced by the case of another local village with higher speed survey speeds than ours yet turned down for a speed limit.
Since then the PC has been working with Wiltshire Council (through the LHFIG – the Local Highways and Footpaths Improvement Group, a sub-group of the Malmesbury Area Board) to find other ways of persuading drivers not to speed through the village.
The latest proposal by Wilts Council is shown on the diagram below. Note:
- The 2 southern groups of road sign and road marking are facing south, ie hitting north-bound traffic. The 2 northern groups are facing north, ie hitting south-bound traffic.
You need to know that this proposal is estimated to cost about £2000 of which Hankerton PC would have to pay 30%, or £600. From this we can assume that each group of sign and road marking costs £500, or £150 to us – to be borne in mind if suggesting any more signs and markings.
- Hankerton PC has included this £600 in the budget for 2025/26 on which the Precept calculation was based. This doesn’t mean it has to be spent, just that the PC has made the plan to have it available.
So now – do you have a view or comment on this that you would like to pass to the PC?
- If so, please send your comment by email to the Parish Clerk at [email protected] .
- By Monday 24 February please (for the next PC meeting on Mon 3 Mar).